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Webinar Internacional
25 de agosto 2021

Como parte de mi vinculación y colaboración académica con el equipo de CIFAL Argentina / UNITAR el pasado 25 de agosto participé como parte del staff docente en el webinar sobre Prevención de la Violencia de Género en América Latina, con foco en las neurociencias cognitivas y forense, integrando las aportaciones que emergen para el abordaje y comprensión del fenómeno en el campo socio-jurídico actual.

El evento es la actividad inicial para el lanzamiento de la certificación internacional en la temática, en la que participaré como parte del cuerpo académico…  se vienen grandes y valiosos aprendizajes…

Muchas gracias a todos/as!

Para consultas e informaciones:

VOL. 15(2) 2019

The challenges faced by Chilean universities in terms of the prevention of gender violence and arbitrary discrimination reveal the need to implement effective policies that safeguard the fundamental rights of their members. This paper analyzes the discourses provided by members of a Chilean Private University on gender violence. Methodologically, it uses a mixed approach, including the design and submission of a semi-structured online survey. The instrument was answered by 635 people, equivalent to 9.35% of the sample universe. To interpret the data, descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis were used, using SPSS Statistics 23.0 and Atlas Ti 6.2. The results reveal that women show a higher degree of participation (76.5%) than men (23.5%), since they report mostly episodes of psychological violence (18%) and gender violence (6%). Likewise, 78% of the participants stated that they were not fully aware of the Policy for Reporting Cases of Sexual Harassment, Workplace Harassment and Arbitrary Discrimination. In addition, the participants expressed interest
in strengthening the areas of awareness and prevention (33%) as well as education and training (26%), transversally integrating the gender perspective in the institutional training processes. Finally, university androcentrism and the pending gender perspective emerge as categories that require a deep and qualitatively complex analysis at the local university level, which would favour the construction of a non-sexist and inclusive education for all.
Keywords: Gender violence, arbitrary discrimination, university androcentrism, awareness-raising, prevention.

Para citar:
Sandoval, E. y Peña, J.C. (2019). Violencia de género y discriminación arbitraria en una universidad privada chilena: una exploración inicial. Sophia, 15(2); 55-70.

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